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Exit Babylon

The Great Divide


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What is the Great Divide? From the beginning of creation and the fall of Man a great divide has kept Mankind from returning to fellowship with his creator. Join us as we look at the great divide and the way God has made to return Mankind back to himself

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Have you ever gone to a Church and sudenly realize that the thing the pastor said was actualy not true or at best Confusing. tonight we are going to look at some of the rediculouse things pastor tell us that are just not true

One of the greatest deceptons of the last days is the Pre tribulation Rapture Theory . I say theory because the Word of God does not in any way teach a pre trib rapture and in fact Many christians are fead this Lie.

The Danger of Bad Escatology ( End Times and the Return of Jesus ) One of the greatest deceptons of the last days is the Pre tribulation Rapture Theory . I say theory because the Word of God does not in any way teach a pre trib rapture... more

Tonight we will look at how the Law of Liberty in Christ jesus replaces the Law of Moses and lots of other great stuff

Do you realt know what you are getting when you go to a modern American church or any Churchfor that matter? let us contiue our look at Jesus vs thew Chrisitian Church

In the Last days there is said to be a Falling away from the faith. included in the falling away is a departure from the true gospel of Jesus to another gospel, another Jesus and another Spirit. what are some of the Doctrins and ways that... more

This time we will be examining the Harlot church teachings a Pre trib rapture, tithing and, Once saved always saved

is the Church that we see in America and around the world keeping good fatih to the teachings of JESUS. lets take an objective view of this subject and other topics tonight part 2

Do the teachings of the JESUS of the Scriptures reveal many things about what we see inthe world as Christianity? is the Churs=ch that we see in America and around the world keeping good fatih to the teachings of JESUS. lets take an... more

Do not be confused or devceived about the return of JESUS for his Bride ( Elect of God ) understand the diffecnce in the gathering of the Elect and the return of JESUS these two events aseperate but related lets take a close look from the... more
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