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The Great Divide


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What is the Great Divide? From the beginning of creation and the fall of Man a great divide has kept Mankind from returning to fellowship with his creator. Join us as we look at the great divide and the way God has made to return Mankind back to himself

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Are you ready for the days to come? do you recognize the war that is raging around you? the invisible war for your soul, as well as the earthly war to destroy every aspect of your life. as we aroach the day of the LORD and the time... more

If you Belong to The Father and are called in Jesus how does God seperate you outofthis world THe father knew all those who were in Christ before the foundation of the world and all of those who have been hidding in history who are his... more

Zephaniah 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. Just before and during the time of God wrath upon the earth he, ( God ) is going to reurn to... more

Are you a vessel worthy to hold what God is wanting to pour out into it? How does God pour out his Word into us? what is required? what are the mechanics of sanctifcation? let us open up the phone lines and open up our ears to hea.r 6... more

Would you know if you were trapped under a system that makes you think you are free, and makes you believe that they have your best interest in mind? would you concider that everything you know is based on lies and deceit/. it is now time to... more

We have arrived people. We are almost to end of the line. The day of the aloes has newly come. Will you be deceived or will you clearly see the plans of the enemy. We will see just how to overcome deception in the evil day.

Are we at the Final hour of this age? Will you be able to stand in the evil day? But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: Wherefore take unto you the... more

How to walk Circumspectly outside of your circumstanses deing free from the bondages of your forfathers traditions

When wil it happen let look at a simple scriptural timeline so that there is no confusion and no mistaking the what will realy happen

When wil it happen let look at a simple scriptural timeline so that there is no confusion and no mistaking the what will realy happen
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