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Rick Sterling

Spirit of Truth/The Bible on Trial


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Spirit of Truth Ministry offers two programs each week that test the limits of Christian theology and thought. The flagship program is The Bible on Trial which tests Christianity by using the words and teachings of Jesus Christ as our template. Our other program called Spirit of Truth investigates Truth by integrating Scripture, Bible prophecy, history and the sciences to find and define Truth wherever it may be found. Join us for an uninhibited search for the truth.

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Spirit of Truth Ministry presents our podcast The Revelation of Jesus on Saturday (Sabbath), January 11, 2025 at 10AM PST, on: blogtalkradio.com/sot. This podcast challenges the boundries that the church has put in place to try to convince the world that what they have been taught about who Jesus was, what He came to accomplish, and what he said, is exactly what they preach teach in their Sunday/Sabbath schools, from the pulpit, and from their schools and universities. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus never said that humans are saved by faith through grace. Jesus never said that He would save people IN their sin. Jesus never said that keeping the Commandments of God became moot upon His resurrection from the dead. Jesus never said that He came to keep the commandments FOR people, so that they would not have to keep them. What He did say is that He came to "Testify to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth Hears MY voice." The Podcast The Revelation of Jesus will reveal to you exactly what Jesus said in His own words to His own disciples while He was here on earth. THIS TRUTH is the truth that will save you, not from sin, but from the lies that Satan has propogated as truth throughout the centuries. Join us for a stimulating and eyeopening study into the truth that Jesus brought to earth from His Father. Listening just might save your eternal life.
  • by Rick Sterling
  • in Religion
  • 01:00

On-Demand Episodes

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