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  • Episode 539 "Moving Forward in 2025" Pastor John Kyle

    in Religion

    Walking in spiritual authority, the last of the last days, preparing yourself to live in the times we live in, knowing things spiritually and naturally, the realm of God, removing unpleasant things from one's life, deliverance after message

  • Every Man Standing In His Place: Bishop Lester Carver For 01/03/2025

    in Christianity

    Every Man Standing In His Place
    We are so excited to be able to share with the world anointed men of God who are truly not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are tackling the tough questions that Christian men face today. Join us for these transforming programs and more on your Transformation Station.
    Yes, we're giving you more of what your soul is thirsting for right here on the Spirit Alive Network
    Spirit Alive Praise & Worship: Sundays @ 9:00 AM (PST) On The Spirit Alive Ministries Network
    Taking It To Streets: Mondays @ 6:00 PM (PST) On The Spirit Alive Ministries Network
    Tuesday Teachings: Tuesdays @ 9:00 PM (EST) On The Spirit Alive Ministries Network
    All Nations' Bible Study: Wednesdays @ 6 PM On The Spirit Alive Ministries Network
    Wounded No More: Appointed Thursdays @ 6:00 PM (PST) On The Spirit Alive Ministries Network
    Every Man Standing: Appointed Fridays @ 6:00 PM (PST) On The Spirit Alive Ministries Network
    The Summit: Saturdays @ 12:00 PM (EST) On The Spirit Alive Ministries Network
    Visit our website at www.spiritalivenetwork.weebly.com You May Listen To All Of Our Archived Programs On Blog Talk Radio Just Type In The Spirit Alive Network, or The Spirit Alive Ministries Network Join Us Live By Calling 714-364-4337

  • Let's Talk with S.M.I.L.E.3E

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    Let's Talk with S.M.I.L.E.3E

  • Trillion Dollar Flow

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    where is the money in America


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  • The Evolution of Revolutionary Thought and Created Purpose

    in Islam

    Join us every Saturday morning 7 a.m. EST for an edition of Evolution of Revolutionary Thought and Created Purpose with I  mam Karriem Hameed as he enters in the national intelligentsia study sessions of the lectures and addresses of Imam Dr. W. Deen Mohammed (R). Imam Karriem seeks to engage the group intellect to glean from the featured lectures of Imam Mohammed's knowledge, wisdom,and direction for practical application in our personal and community lives. This is open to all serious students wishing to go beyond merely quoting, to making connections with the logic of Scripture and Life Example of Prophet Muhammed (S) through Imam Mohammed's tafsir. Bring pen, paper and the highest level of respectful mutual consultation.
    Saturday, June 29, 2024: Special Interview of Muslim Culture Con by Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahman of Atlanta, Ga. (Guests: Jayda & Zaid Hameed and Imam Bilal Hasan.)
    Connect on-line at AM360.org or at (701)719-4197 for quality programming 24 hours daily. Join us live in the studio by dialing (515) 605-9891 or (425) 292-4253. You can email us at info@cwsc.us or tweet @CWShuraa. Visit the website of our parent company, Coinmmunity Wide Shuraa Conference, Inc. at cwsc.us or leave a listener comment at (910) 317-0297. You're listening to the the number 1 islamic radio station the nation, where your intellect is respected and your voice is protected.

  • Preparing to Make It in The Land of Plenty

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    Join us each Saturday at 9:30 a.m. EST for an episode of Preparing to Make it in the Land of Plenty with Imam Delacie Ummah Phillips and guests for a practical discussion on what it takes at the individual, family and community level to truly be prosperous in America. How do we build a good life while enjoying liberty and the pursuit of true happiness. There's an increasing divide between the haves and have nots and between those capable of pursuing the American Dream with vigor and those becoming ever more disheartened by poverty, poor health care, under education, less job opportunities or access to capital, and unfair application of the rules of the game. Join Imam Delacie as he asks the group intellect to put their hearts, minds and hands together to work for real and lasting change.
    Listen on-line at AM360.org and 24-hour live streaming (701) 719-4197! Live audience call-in to the studio at (515) 605-9891 or (425) 292-4253. Email us at info@cwsc.us, tweet @CWShuraa, like us on Facebook, Community Wide Shuraa Conference. Visit AM360 parent corporation Community Wide Shuraa Conference at cwsc.us or leave a listener comment at (910) 317-0297. You're listening to AM360, the #1 Islamic Radio Station in the Nation, where your intellect is respected, and your voice protected.


    in Religion

    Peaceful Sabbath fam! Praying that all's well with each of you & your households. Welcome to Biynah Thurah, Understanding Torah, as we continue our new series that asks the question Am I Abominable to YHWH? Join us as we search Holy Scripture to learn what YHWH defines as abominations. HALLELUYAH!

  • Saturday Worship Service / Sermon Pastor Jonathan Tate

    in Christianity

    Pastor & Mrs. Overall and the RFCM Church Family invite you to come and worship the LORD our God with us as we grow together in the knowledge and grace of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. ALL ARE WELCOME IN THE LORD’S HOUSE Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
    Tithe & Offerings - Runner For Christ Ministries (rfcm.org)
    Salvation Prayer @ Salvation Prayer - Runner For Christ Ministries (rfcm.org)

  • Elohim Human Civilization Contains Kings Kingship Jurisdictional Law; Nat Gays

    in Religion

    Get Go!
    The Puritan’s “Christian” Agenda? One of the opinions most persistently and widely held among American evangelicals today is that America had essentially Christian origins. They rest heavily on an appeal to the Puritan heritage as the most influential Reformation tradition shaping American culture. If it were shown that the Puritans who settled America did not establish truly Christian cultural principles that were in some important ways perpetuated, then a strong suspicion might be raised that the entire case): of purpose was all about spread for gross Europe hominid Ape homo Erectus, male and female with female, spreading world wide flood of evil!  Like the sodomy of Diddy. 
    For example, the Puritan massacres of the Pequot Indian tribe on May 26, 1637, and again on July 14, 1637, were deemed by the Puritans to be directed by God — Captain John Mason declared, “God laughed his Enemies and the Enemies of his People to Scorn, making them as a fiery Oven … Thus did the Lord judge among the Heathen, filling the Place with dead Bodies” (Segal and Stinenback, Puritans, Indians, and Manifest Destiny, pp. 111-112, 134-135). Converting the pagans for God was acceptable to the Puritans, but killing the pagans for the Lord was also acceptable!   1 As David Stannard has explained, the almost inconceivable number of deaths caused by the invasion and conquest of these lands by Europeans and their descendants constitute “the worst human holocaust
    efforts by churches and governments to undermine Indian religious, governmental, and kinship systems… the often-deliberate destructions of flora and fauna that American Indians used for food and other purposes…the near extinction of the buffalo…50 Widespread starvation and malnutrition, the deleterious effects of forced labor, alcoholism, demoralization.. 

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