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PNN w/Jeanine Molloff - How to fight--Trump's TYRANNY.
As we progress further into the holiday season, I decided to broacast a show that speaks to the incoming Trump administration and its very premeditated TYRANNY. So, "No Virignia, things will NOT go back to 'normal.' " I will be referencing various political philosophers, especially Timothy Snyder and his book--"On Tyranny." Those of you who have disowned various friends or even family members for their Trump support are not alone. We have your back. This is our main story.
I will also speak to our leaving Blogtalkradio, (or their new venture) for a new home at Podserve.fm. This will begin soon.
We will also have a few musical parodies, mocking the Trumpers you are sadly forced to endure. Note: the schism between Trump supporters and the rest of us who have maintained a sense of DECENCY AND COMPASSION is not about a difference in 'politics.' This is a difference in VALUES, IN MORALITY. Trump and his MAGA followers have elevated cruelty, ignorance and bigotry to new heights not seen since Hitler's Third Reich. I will NOT back down and I will NOT obey,
Come join me in this fight for democracy itself.
The Other Perspective with Imam Councilman Alfred Muhammad
The Other Perspective with Imam Councilman Alfred Muhammad