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Rev Marcy Ann

Reflections & Celebrations


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Hello! I am Marcy Ann and I am an untraditionally-ordained minister who has found the unified field between science and religion. I did weddings at the beach for 20 years in Orange County, CA. I have written a book about what I have observed over the years about love and marriage and weddings and you can download it for free at www.whereismrright.com. I have asked Why? my whole life. Some of my answers will amuse you and some will confuse you, some will challenge you and some reflections will just be Marcy Ann's own personal Truth with a capital T. All shows are archived for listening at any time, on your computer or android phone.

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These last 2 shows during my October blitz month to find Mr. Right are meditations that will encourage you and support you while you are on your path to finding Mr. Right.

My last 2 shows this month are going to be meditations that you can listen to when you need to be encouraged and supported as you continue to look for Mr. Right

Today, I am going to give a lot of definitions of True Love and then give you a PERFECT EXAMPLE of TRUE LOVE!!!

I want to introduce you to the Law of Perpetual Motion today --- just to get you thinking about it -- it will eventually help you find Mr. Right.

Today I am going to look at who ask who? In this up-side-down culture we have here in the U.S. now, are there any proprieties left?

I must speak for the 1,000's of honest, God-loving, freedom-loving Americans out there who are going to be processing our votes for President and all of the other important offices. First of all, I want to say THANK YOU to all of you. I know you... more

If you haven't seen the movie malificient, every woman needs to see this movie -- this movie is a total story of woman!

Hi Guys and Gals, I am mostly talking to the gals tonight, but, guys, what is true for them is true for you, too. The most attractive Mr. Right to a girl is a man who has a job! And perhaps Mr. Right is working at his job this weekend! And how... more

Life is made up of one day at a time - and then these days become the days of our lives. In order to make the most of every day, let's look at how we handle being alone - the alone time of day - the alone times before Mr. Right shows up.

In my book 17 things to do while waiting for Mr. Right, I discuss 17 things (duh!!) you can do. Tonight, I am going to talk about one of them - probably one that you would NEVER consider, one you would never ev en think about, but it is the one... more
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