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Motivational Mary

Live, Laugh & Learn W/ Mary


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This show is geared towards helping individuals cultivate healthy relationships while healing from their past and learning something new in Christ. We reserve the right to not disclose personal or private information. The views and opinions expressed on Live, Laugh and Learn Radio Show are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Motivational Mary.

On-Demand Episodes

On today's show at 6pm Est, we will chat about the benefits to writing your way out of any pain, hurt or disappointment. It's human nature to believe quietness will be beneficial all the time, but in reality it's doing more harm than good.... more

[Let The Weak say "I'm Strong!] JOEL 3:10 On today's show 📻at 6pm Est, I will chat about the beauty in your weaknesses. Over the course of several weeks, GOD has shifted my perspective on so many things. I was one who loved to... more

On today's show at 6pm Est, I will have the opportunity to talk about seeking love from the opposite sex after the abuse. I was a victim of domestic violence almost ten years ago. At that time, I wanted a ring and I wanted it right then.... more

On today's show at 6pm Est, I will have the opportunity to chat about bullying behavior. I was a victim of bullying in middle school, but in high school it got real! During that time there wasn't many resources available, but today there's plenty.... more

On today's show, I'll sit down with some powerful sisters doing some amazing things for GOD's kingdom. Join me, as I chat with Andrena Sawyer, Founder of the Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network (MCWEN), and the... more

On today's show at 6pm Est, we will chat about letting go. In life we hold onto alot of things because they begin to have sentimental value. However, not everything GOD intended for us to keep because it restricts HIM from bringing in more.... more

On today's show at 6pm Est, I will have the opportunity to chat with the one Damitra Newsome . She's the Founder of Kaycies Corner. Damitra is a wife and mother, and lover of Jesus. As an educator in the public school system, she has... more

On today's show at 6pm Est, we will chat about your community. When I think of community, I think of a village of people working together to get things done with faith, unity, love and wisdom. A community is designed to build something... more

On today's show at 6pm Est, we will chat about generational curses and cycles. i have experience learning more about our family curses and cycles. At some point you have to break the curse or cycle. there are alot of things GOD has... more

On today's show we will chat with Faith Mama Michele. She's ia single mom whose passion is advocating for struggling mothers in poverty and abuse. Having been through the fire herself, her goal is to spread wisdom and share resources... more

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