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What’s Wrong With NASA’s New Proposal For Confirming “ET Life?”

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The Other Side of Midnight

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What’s Wrong With NASA’s New Proposal For Confirming “ET Life?”

EM Imaging Team LIVE with Richard C. Hoagland

Show Page:   https://www.theothersideofmidnight.com/20211106_em 

Alternate Listening:  https://www.talkstreamlive.com/program/richard_c_hoagland

"NASA Calls for New Scientific Framework in Search for Extraterrestrial Life ...."

So read the headlines a few days ago ... just AFTER the current head of NASA -- NASA Administrator Bill Nelson -- gave a mainstream address to the University of Virginia's prestigeous "Center for Politics," an address in which he stated (in a VERY "Emiliy Dickinson fashion ...") that the current Senate interest in the "UAP [UFO] phenomenon" either involves a "Top Secret military program, perhaps by one of our adversaries ... or ... it could be 'someone else ....'"


Genuine ETs ....

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "In politics ... there is NO SUCH THING as 'coincidence' ...."

So, is NASA suddenly calling for "a more scientific framework for the search for ET life ... and, almost simultaneously, its presidentially-appointed Administrator suddenly, publicly, calling for "scientific investigation of the Navy's UAP phenomenon (sorry ... "UFO's") all mere "coincidence?"


Is "something" about to go down in Washington ... something ... which will finally make it crystal clear, to ALL of Humankind, that--

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"We are NOT alone?"


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